Kalkulator zwykły


Explanation of operation

Numbers with a decimal point

Basic operations: + - addition, - subtraction, * - multiplication, / division, +/- change sign
1 / x - the reciprocal of the number from the display
x2 - x squared

sqrt - square root, e.g. 4 sqrt = 2
log10 - decimal logarithm (base 10 logarithm)
exp - raising the Euler constant (e = 2.718281828459045) to the power from the display
For example, 1 exp = e ^ 1 = 2.718281828459045 2 exp = e ^ 2 = 2.718281828459045 ^ 2 = 7.3890560989306495
ln - natural logarithm - base e = 2.718281828459045

Trigonometric functions for angles in degrees, grads, radians
e.g. sinS (alpha) = sin (S), where S - angle in [degrees], cosS = cos (S), tanS = tan (S)
sinS - sine of the angle in degrees, e.g. 30.5 sinS = 0.5075383629607041
sinG - sine of the angle in grads
sinR - sine of kata in radians

R-S - conversion of angle in radines to degrees, S-R - conversion of degrees to radians (2Pi [rad] = 360 [degrees])
R-G - Convert angle in radians to angle in gons, G-R grads to radians
S-G - degrees to gon conversion, G-S grades to gon conversion (360 [degrees] = 400 [gons])
G-R - conversion of grads into grads, R-G - conversion of radians into grads (2Pi [rad] = 400 [grad])